Beginilah Aksi Kristen Stewart Saat Marah

Kristen sepertinya muak dengan pemberitaan asmaranya di beberapa media. Ia pun terlihat mengacungkan jari tengah saat bertemu paparazi.

Mengutip dailymail, Jumat (24/5) seperti orang tak berpendidikan, mungkin itulah ungkapan Anda jika melihat aksi Kristen Stewart yang baru ini.

Aktris Twilight Saga tersebut biasanya pemalu, namun saat ditemui di parkiran mobil Hollywood, Kristen terlihat beda.

Dengan memakai kaos santai dan celana jins, ia langsung mengacungkan dua jari tengahnya ke arah kamera paparazi. Acungan jari tengah itu tak berhenti sampai ia masuk ke dalam mobil.

Selain acungan jari tengah, wajah mantan kekasih Robert Pattinson itu juga terlihat sangat muram dan marah sekali.

Losing her cool: Kristen Stewart flipped the bird as she headed through a Hollywood car park on Thursday

Taking its toll: It seems her recent break-up from Robert Pattinson has left the actress feeling on edge

Coming out of her shell: Kristen is usually shy but on this occasion the star spectacularly lost her temper

Big finish: Kristen gave another eyeful of her offensive hand gestures before eventually stepping into her car Big finish: Kristen gave another eyeful of her offensive hand gestures before eventually stepping into her car

Seriously scruffy: The 23-year-old looked even more dishevelled than usual and had greasy, messy hair

Dressed down: Kristen wore a baggy T-shirt and hoodie with skinny jeans, trainers and spectacles

Girl power: Kristen has been spending time with her friends following the split, and apparently spent the day at Taylor Swift's house earlier this week

Incognito: That same day Robert was nearby in West Hollywood and arrived at an office in a baseball cap and sunglasses